Sunday 21 December 2014

Hussar - Test Model

I've started painting up my Hussar test model and currently have the base coat on the figure and am getting ready to wash and highlight the model. Highlight wise I'm not looking to make it stand out too much as I want to keep the colours muted to represent more battlefield wear and dust on the figure.

Apologies about the poor photos, will take care to have a more detailed picture once the model is finished.

Saturday 20 December 2014

New Mutant Chronicles faction - Bauhaus

I've decided to take the plunge with Mutant Chronicles: Warzone and my first force for this game will be the mighty Bauhaus Corporation.

I'm a sucker for all things German themed and couldn't resist the temptation to make this my first army. The next big question was where to start and thanks to the wonderful folk at Prodos Games my first purchase was the Bauhaus starter set which is extremely reasonably priced. Upon receiving the shipment I was impressed with how well sculpted the figures were not to mention the minimal amount of flash lines there were on the figures.

After seeing the figures in the flesh I was immediately struck by images of how I wanted to paint up my figures. As I mentioned previously I have a love of all things German and the Hussar infantry reminded me of the Franco Prussian War German infantry, specifically the Prussian infantryman in the bottom right of the image.

For my Marshall and Venusian Rangers I am leaning towards painting them up in a similar style to one of my all time favourite regiments, the 1st Regiment of Prussian Hussars, the Death's Heads. These guys will be painted up with grey pants, black boots, jackets and cloaks with steel/silver armour and helmets plus red trimming across the figure to match the image below.

Needless to say I'm extremely excited about painted these guys up and look forward to updating you with images of their progress.

Endless Fields of Battle

Well after letting my figure collection grow and grow I came to realise it was time to start painting. I created this blog to track my progress in painting my armies from the Ancient Greeks to the far flung future of the Bauhaus Corporation in the world of Warzone.

I'll be posting painting progress, battle and campaign reports and look forward to your comments and feedback on my posts.